The Rise of the Fourth Reich Read online

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  THE NAZIS’ CONCERN over rising cancer rates also resulted in a bizarre confrontation over the use of X-rays. “The SS radiologist Hans Holfelder, who spearheaded an ambitious drive to X-ray hundreds of thousands of Germans, was trying to identify illness so steps could be taken to treat or isolate afflicted individuals,” reported Proctor. “[Berlin’s Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Anthropology, Human Genetics and Eugenics founding director] Eugen Fischer’s concern in warning against overexposure was the longer-term ‘genetic health of the race.’ Both were solid Nazis, but the two had very different conceptions of how to preserve the health of the favored race.”

  One of the only Jewish cancer researchers allowed to continue working during the Nazi regime was Nobel laureate, biochemist Dr. Otto Warburg, a relative of the banking family and director of Berlin’s Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Cell Physiology. Warburg’s institute was founded in 1931, following a substantial donation by the Rockefeller Foundation to the Kaiser Wilhelm Gesellschaft, today known as the Max Planck Institute.

  More than forty years ago, Dr. Warburg gave a lecture describing both the cause and cure for cancer. “Summarized in a few words, the prime cause of cancer is the replacement of the respiration of oxygen in normal body cells by a fermentation of sugar. All normal body cells meet their energy needs by respiration of oxygen, whereas cancer cells meet their energy needs in great part by fermentation. All normal body cells are thus obligate aerobes, whereas all cancer cells are partial anaerobes…. Oxygen gas, the donor of energy in plants and animals, is dethroned in the cancer cells and replaced by an energy-yielding reaction of the lowest living forms, namely, a fermentation of glucose.”

  In other words, while most living cells require oxygen to live, cancer cells can do well without oxygen, instead drawing energy from the fermentation of sugars. To maintain normal health, humans require a minimum of 22 percent oxygen in the air they breathe. Most American cities regularly fall below this minimum, and on so-called ozone-alert days, the oxygen level often drops to 18 percent or lower. And the less said about the amount of sugar in the American diet the better. Obesity is quickly becoming a major national health problem. If Dr. Warburg is correct, and he stated that “on the basis of anaerobiosis there is now a real chance to get rid of this terrible disease,” it is astounding that nothing has been done to cure cancer in the intervening four decades. Perhaps this is because, as has been pointed out by suspicious researchers, more people are making a living off cancer than dying from it.

  Meanwhile in America, Rockefeller executive Frank Howard, after convincing Alfred Sloan and Charles Kettering of General Motors to fund a cancer institute, was named chairman of the new Sloan-Kettering Institute. Howard chose Cornelius “Dusty” Rhoads, former chief of research for the medical division of the U.S. Chemical Warfare Service, to direct the institute’s experimentation with chemotherapy. Later, Howard represented Rockefeller interests in the drug company Rohm and Haas.

  IT IS INTRIGUING that in modern health-conscious America, very little has been done to educate citizens about the dangers of overly prescribed drugs, including the depressant alcohol.

  During the Third Reich, there was even a substantial antialcohol movement in beer-loving Germany, including a sizeable German Antialcoholism Association with a membership numbering in the thousands. The Nazis outlawed alcohol advertising aimed at youth, as well as any that suggested alcohol was healthful. Alcohol-related hazards such as cirrhosis of the liver, cardiomyopathy, fetal abnormalities, and esophageal cancer were well known even prior to the rise of National Socialism but mostly ignored in modern America’s popular media. Yet, like Prohibition in America, the Nazi antialcohol effort largely failed, due to the pressure for consumption from a thirsty population, coupled with the sizeable amounts of money gained by the government through taxes on alcohol.

  Like Americans today, the Nazis introduced a variety of nonalcoholic beers and even produced some made from liquefied vegetables. In 1936, a certification system was instituted, designed to protect children from “unsuitable” drinks. Coca-Cola was declared one such beverage due to its sugar and additives.

  In fact, today’s “New Age” issues echo aspects of National Socialism in the Third Reich. In addition to high-ranking Nazis’ fascination with the occult, organic foods, herbs, and healing plants were all encouraged in Nazi Germany, along with a “back to nature” idealism and respect for the rural life. “From 1934 to 1937, the amount of land devoted to herbs and healing plants…increased by more than a factor of ten—from 820 hectares to 3,896 hectares,” noted Proctor. “Cultivation was especially strong in the forests of Thuringia and north-central Germany, but every part of the country was involved. Popular magazines celebrated the importance of natural foods and drugs, and professional apothecaries took steps to evaluate the efficiency of medicinal herbs.”

  Hitler advocated a vegetarian lifestyle. “One may regret living at a period when it’s impossible to form an idea of the shape the world of the future will assume. But there’s one thing I can predict to eaters of meat: the world of the future will be vegetarian.” Many Germans followed Hitler’s dream of a meatless society. About 83,000 voluntarily participated in his vegetarian-lifestyle program.

  But Hitler was also a consummate politician. Although he disdained both hunting and eating meat, he did not attempt to force his ideals on his followers, for purely pragmatic reasons. “Personally, I cannot see what possible pleasure can be derived from shooting…. I have never fired at a hare in my life. I am neither poacher nor sportsman…. [But] if I excluded poachers from the Party, we should lose the support of entire districts.”

  In viewing the reality behind benign, if tyrannical, government efforts at social control, Robert N. Proctor correctly concluded, “The Nazi campaign against tobacco and the ‘wholegrain-bread operation’ are, in some sense, as fascist as the yellow stars [worn to identify Jews] and the death camps. Appreciating these complexities may open our eyes to new kinds of continuities binding the past to the present; it may also allow us better to see how fascism triumphed in the first place.”

  THE FASCIST GLOBALISTS, in addition to making unconscionable profits from tobacco and dangerous drugs such as aspartame, may be promoting a program of population reduction.

  As previously noted, Third Reich Nazis, as well as their prominent American business partners, were greatly interested in the field of eugenics, the study of scientifically applied genetic selection to maintain and improve ideal human characteristics, which grew to include birth and population control. The concept grew from the writings of the Victorian scientist Sir Francis Galton, who after study reached the conclusion that prominent members of British society were such because they had “eminent” parents.

  In 1925, after more than a decade in which at least sixty thousand “defectives” in the United States were legally sterilized, Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, writing for the majority in a Supreme Court case, stated, “It is better for all the world, if instead of waiting to execute degenerate offspring for crime or to let them starve for their imbecility, society can prevent those who are manifestly unfit from continuing their kind.”

  Of course, to determine who was dirtying the gene pool required extensive population statistics. In 1910, the Eugenics Records Office was established as a branch of the Galton National Laboratory in London, endowed by Mrs. E. H. Harriman, the wife of railroad magnate Edward Harriman and mother of diplomat Averell Harriman. In 1912, Mrs. Harriman sold her substantial shares of New York’s Guaranty Trust bank to J. P. Morgan, thus assuring his control over that institution. After 1900, the Harrimans, the family that gave the Prescott Bush family its start, along with the Rockefellers, provided more than $11 million to create a eugenics research laboratory at Cold Springs Harbor, New York, as well as eugenics studies at Harvard, Columbia, and Cornell. The first International Congress of Eugenics was convened in London in 1912, with Winston Churchill as a director. Obviously, the concept of “bloodlines” was significant to
these people.

  In 1932, when the Congress met in New York, it was the Hamburg-Amerika shipping line controlled by Harriman associates George Walker and Prescott Bush that brought prominent Germans to the meeting. One leader was psychiatry professor Dr. Ernst Rudin of the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Genealogy and Demography in Berlin. Rudin was unanimously elected president of the International Federation of Eugenics Societies for his work in founding the Deutschen Gesellschaft fur Rassenhygiene, or the German Society for Racial Hygiene, a forerunner of Hitler’s racial institutions.

  Honored personally by Hitler in 1939 and 1944, Rudin continued to be acknowledged as a leader in psychiatry. In 1992, the prestigious Max Planck Institute praised Rudin for “following his own convictions in ‘racial hygiene’ measures, cooperating with the Nazis as a psychiatrist and helping them legitimize their aims through pertinent legislation.”

  Despite much public renunciation of eugenics following the revelations of the Nazi racial extermination programs at the Nuremberg trials, work continues right up to today, under more politically correct names.

  General William H. Draper Jr. was a “supporting member” of the International Eugenics Congress in 1932 and, despite or because of his ties to the Harriman and Bush families, was named head of the economic division of the U.S. Control Commission in Germany at the end of hostilities. According to Webster Tarpley and Anton Chaitkin, authors of George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography, “General Draper [in later years] founded ‘Population Crisis Committee’ and the ‘Draper Fund,’ joining with the Rockefeller and Du Pont families to promote eugenics as ‘population control.’ The administration of President Lyndon Johnson, advised by General Draper on the subject, began financing birth control in the tropical countries through the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID).” Draper also served as a population consultant to President George H. W. Bush, and he and his son were in charge of Bush’s campaign fund-raising in 1980. The younger Draper went on to work with population-control activities of the United Nations.

  Early efforts at reducing the birth rate by sterilization met with resistance in the United States, so the rhetoric was softened and other means pursued. “Castration evidently hit a little too close to home for the average member of the public to stomach,” wrote authors Jonathan Vankin and John Whalen, “so vasectomy became the preferred method for sterilizing males, and its equivalent, salpingectomy, became the preferred sterilization method for women.”

  The abortion controversy stems from the eugenics views of the globalist families and their belief that some form of population control must be allowed in a well-run society. The Human Genome Project has only elevated fears that human DNA can be manipulated and controlled.

  Organizations such as the Planned Parenthood Federation of America, Incorporated, a tax-exempt corporation that has 860 centers nationwide and claims to prevent more than 617,000 unintended pregnancies a year, are subsidized by the plutocracy, usually through their foundations and think tanks. In 2006, more than a third of the group’s contributions came from corporate and foundation grants.

  Rudin’s eugenics work was, in a large part, funded by Rockefeller money. “The plutocrats were in league with scientists, many with formidable reputations,” noted Vankin and Whalen. “These scientists expended immeasurable energy trying to ‘prove’ that blacks were stupid, Jews were greedy, Mexicans were lazy, women were nutty, and so on—as well as the corollary: rich, white people with good table manners and glowing report cards were genetically superior.”

  General Maxwell Taylor, a former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and U.S. ambassador to South Vietnam, who began addressing the Council on Foreign Relations in 1952, reflected his fellow globalists’ viewpoint in a 1981 interview with Executive Intelligence Review. Taylor stated that the underlying cause of world problems was overpopulation. He said it would be necessary by the beginning of the twenty-first century to reduce the human population, mostly in Third World countries, by disease, starvation, and regional conflicts. “I have already written off more than a billion people. These people are in places in Africa, Asia, Latin America. We can’t save them. The population crisis and the food-supply question dictate that we should not even try. It’s a waste of time,” Taylor said.

  When one considers the starvation that wracks so many poor countries, the AIDS epidemic sweeping Africa, and the ongoing strife in Afghanistan and Iraq, plus dozens of smaller conflicts all over the world, it would seem that Taylor’s vision of the future has come to pass.

  But the real fear is to be found in the desire to control others, not in voluntary population control or human genes. “[T]he twentieth century suffered two ideologies that led to genocides,” said MIT cognitive scientist Steven Pinker, author of the 2002 book The Blank Slate. Referring to the wrongness of Nazi genetics beliefs, Pinker observed, “The other one, Marxism, had no use for race, didn’t believe in genes, and denied that human nature was a meaningful concept. Clearly, it’s not an emphasis on genes or evolution that is dangerous. It’s the desire to remake humanity by coercive means (eugenics or social engineering) and the belief that humanity advances through a struggle in which superior groups (race or classes) triumph over inferior ones.”

  Before anyone looks for relief from social manipulation from heaven, it is instructive to see the parallels in the use of religion both in the Third Reich and in modern America.



  PRESIDENT GEORGE W. BUSH HAS BEEN ONLY THE MOST RECENT world leader who has used religious factions to gain support for his policies and objectives.

  “National Socialism was a religion,” noted Professor George Lachmann Mosse of the University of Wisconsin-Madison, whose wealthy Jewish family fled Germany in 1933. “The depth of the ideology, the liturgy, the element of hope, all helped to give the movement the character of a new faith. It has been shown that [Nazi propaganda minister Paul Joseph] Goebbels quite consciously used religious terminology in many of his speeches. Moreover, Nazism was a total worldview which by its very nature excluded all others. From this it followed that traditional Christianity was a rival, not a friend. But here Hitler at first went very slowly indeed, for he needed (and got) the support of the majority of the Christian churches.”

  Mosse concluded that “the Nazi future would have lain with the Evangelical Christians had the war been won.”

  In Mein Kampf, Hitler spoke condescendingly of religion, offering this rationalization for organized religion. “The great masses of people do not consist of philosophers, and it is just for them that faith is frequently the sole basis of a moral view of life.”

  He also saw in Christian fundamentalism a reflection of his own National Socialist zeal and ambition. “The greatness of Christianity was not rooted in its attempted negotiations of compromise with perhaps similarly constructed philosophical opinions of the old world,” he wrote, “but in the inexorably fanatical preaching and representation of its own doctrine.”

  Despite this public support for religion, Hitler, who, as has been seen, was surrounded by occultism, privately expressed disdain for formal religions, as evidenced by this discourse related in Hitler’s Table Talk:

  An educated man retains the sense of the mysteries of nature and bows before the unknowable. An uneducated man, on the other hand, runs the risk of going over to atheism (which is a return to the state of the animal) as soon as he perceives that the state, in sheer opportunism, is making use of false ideas in the matter of religion, while in other fields it bases everything on pure science. That’s why I’ve always kept the Party aloof from religious questions. I’ve thus prevented my Catholic and Protestant supporters from forming groups against one another, and inadvertently knocking each other out with the Bible and the sprinkler. So we never became involved with these churches’ forms of worship…. In any case, the main thing is to be clever in this matter and not to look for a struggle where it can be avoided…. So it’s not opportune to hurl ourselves now i
nto a struggle with the churches…. The dogma of Christianity gets worn away before the advances of science. Religion will have to make more and more concessions. Gradually the myths crumble. All that’s left is to prove that in nature there is no frontier between the organic and the inorganic. When understanding of the universe has become widespread, when the majority of men know that the stars are not sources of light but worlds, perhaps inhabited worlds like ours, then the Christian doctrine will be convicted of absurdity. Originally, religion was merely a prop for human communities. It was a means, not an end in itself. It’s only gradually that it became transformed in this direction, with the object of maintaining the rule of the priests, who can live only to the detriment of society collectively.

  Hitler’s thoughts were echoed by his deputy Martin Bormann, who flatly stated in a 1942 German Evangelical Church yearbook: “National Socialist and Christian concepts are incompatible.”

  Because of his private opposition to true Christianity, Hitler quickly took steps to subdue the church. On July 23, 1933, just six months after he came to power, a Nazi-dominated National Synod in Wittenberg named a former German Army chaplain and virulent anti-Semite, Ludwig Mueller, as Reich bishop. Six months later, Mueller issued what came to be known as the “Muzzling Order,” a decree designed to bring control over the German Evangelical Church. Ministers were forbidden to speak about controversial or political matters; hence there could be no opposition to the Nazi regime. Mueller proclaimed that church services were “for the proclamation of the pure Gospel, and for this alone.” This same no-involvement-with-politics message can be heard in many churches in America today.