The Rise of the Fourth Reich Read online

  The Rise of the Fourth Reich

  The Secret Societies that Threaten to Take Over America

  Jim Marrs

  This book is dedicated to my father, my uncles, and all the

  Allied soldiers who sacrificed so willingly to serve their

  country in World War II. They deserve better.



  The Escape of Adolf Hitler

  A Definition of Terms

  Communism versus National Socialism

  Part One

  The Hidden History of the Third Reich

  1. A New Reich Begins

  2. The Strange Case of Rudolf Hess

  3. Nazi Wonder Weapons

  4. A Treasure Trove

  5. The Writing on the Wall

  Part Two

  The Reich Consolidates

  6. The Ratlines

  7. Project Paperclip and the Space Race

  8. Nazi Mind Control

  9. Business as Usual

  10. Kennedy and the Nazis

  Part Three

  The Reich Ascendant

  11. Rebuilding the Reich, American-Style

  12. Guns, Drugs, and Eugenics

  13. Religion

  14. Education

  15. Psychology and Public Control

  16. Propaganda



  Searchable Terms


  About the Author

  Other Books by Jim Marrs



  About the Publisher



  Thunder reverberated from a storm of Russian artillery that was bombarding the ruined capital. The day before, along with the incoming shells, came particularly bad news for the fuehrer, who by this late date in World War II was confined to his underground bunker beneath the Reich chancellery. Hitler had learned that two days earlier his Axis partner, Italy’s Fascist dictator Benito Mussolini, had been captured by paramilitary Italian resistance fighters. Mussolini and his mistress, Clara Petacci, were executed and their bodies were left hanging from lampposts in a Milan piazza. This news was especially worrisome to Hitler because only hours earlier he had married Eva Braun in a small civil ceremony inside the Fuehrerbunker.

  Hitler had previously vowed never to be captured alive, and reiterated to his entourage that neither he nor his new bride would be made a “spectacle, presented by the Jews, to divert their hysterical masses.” He made obvious preparations for the end of his reign. He handed out poison capsules to his remaining female secretaries and had Blondi, his favorite Alsatian dog, poisoned. Two other household dogs were shot.

  Dictating a last will, he stated, “I myself and my wife—in order to escape the disgrace of deposition or capitulation—choose death.” He ordered that their bodies be burned immediately. But Hitler, decorated World War I soldier and hardened political fighter, made it clear that he and his philosophies would not leave the world stage quietly. He added, “From the sacrifice of our soldiers and from my own unity with them unto death will in any case spring up in the history of Germany the seed of a radiant renaissance of the National Socialist movement and thus of the realization of a true community of nations.”

  Hitler then passed along a line of his entourage, mostly women, and shook their hands while mumbling inaudibly. Frau Traudl Junge, one of the secretaries present, recalled that Hitler’s eyes “seemed to be looking far away, beyond the walls of the bunker.”

  At about three P.M. on April 30, members of Hitler’s entourage heard a single shot from their leader’s quarters. Some time later, Hitler’s valet, SS Sturmbannfuehrer Heinz Linge, and an orderly emerged with a blanket-covered body. Martin Bormann, Hitler’s private secretary, head of the Nazi Party and the most powerful man in the Reich after Hitler, followed with the body of a woman. The corpses were carried up to a garden area, placed in a shell crater, and burned with gasoline. However, these remains were never found, reportedly due to the constant shelling.

  By evening, a Soviet flag was flying atop the Reichstag. It appeared that Hitler and his Third Reich were finished.


  It was well known and publicly reported that Hitler often made use of doubles, men who closely resembled him, for use at certain public presentations. Pauline Koehler, a maid at Hitler’s Berghof in Berchtesgaden, insisted that she knew of at least three men who doubled for Hitler.

  Did Hitler make use of one final double in the bunker? After all, the few persons who testified that he was dead were ardent Nazis who were eager to please their captors—whether Russian, British, or American—with accounts of the leader’s death. Was the strange execution of Eva Braun’s brother-in-law, Hermann Fegelein, due to his knowledge of Hitler’s escape plan with the use of a double? Fegelein had left the bunker but protested when captured by an SS search party that he planned to return. He was later shot by a firing squad in the chancellery garden for desertion. Yet, days earlier, Hitler had urged others in the bunker to flee. “Get out! Get out!” he cried. “Go to South Germany. I’ll stay here. It is all over anyhow.” Why make Fegelein the exception?

  Evidence that Fegelein was privy to secret knowledge comes from Kristina Reiman, an actress who met with Fegelein in Berlin on April 27. She told author Glenn B. Infield, “He was very worried. We had several drinks together and he kept repeating that there were two Hitlers in Berlin…. I thought he was drunk. Just before he left me, however, he said that if the fuehrer ever discovered that he, Fegelein, knew his secret, Hitler would kill him.”

  To fake Hitler’s death would have been simple. A Hitler double could have been secreted into the bunker any time prior to his reported suicide. After Hitler got Eva to take poison—or a dead duplicate Eva brought in—the double, dressed in the fuehrer’s clothing, could have been shot, a poison capsule placed in his mouth, and left to be covered by Bormann and retrieved by the unsuspecting valet Linge.

  Hitler could have then passed from the study through his living quarters to a small conference room containing a stairway to the garden above. Hitler had instructed Linge to wait “at least ten minutes before entering the room.” While Linge and others from the entourage waited in the hallway outside Hitler’s study, the fuehrer’s party and an armed SS escort could have made their way to a secluded spot to await darkness.

  Under the cover of night, Hitler could have moved along Hermann Goering Strasse, then cut across the Tiergarten to the Zoo Station near Adolf Hitler Platz. From there, they could have followed the rail lines to the Reichssportfeld and crossed the Scharndorfestrasse to the Piechelsdorf Bridge, a short walk to the Havel River, where a Ju-52 floatplane would have been waiting to fly the fuehrer out.

  Indeed a Ju-52 pontoon plane had landed on the Havel the previous night, at the radioed request of someone in the Fuehrerbunker. It took off that same night. Author Infield has suspected this was a practice run for the following night.

  Once away from Berlin, an airplane could have taken Hitler almost anywhere in territory not under direct control of the Allies—Switzerland, Spain, or any number of other friendly locations.

  But did this happen?

  Conventional history says that Hitler and Eva Braun committed suicide in the bunker—end of story, despite tantalizing tidbits of information that have surfaced since the war. On July 17, 1945, during the Potsdam Conference, Soviet leader Joseph Stalin reportedly told U.S. president Harry S. Truman that Hitler did not commit suicide but probably escaped. Years later, the Russians produced photos purporting to be of Hitler’s dead body, which contradicted their earl
ier accounts that the bodies of Hitler and his mistress had been immediately burned.

  Today, while Hitler’s fate may be intriguing and undoubtedly will be argued for years, it is immaterial, a moot point. What is certain is that Hitler’s legacy—National Socialism—lives on.

  THE HISTORY OF how the Nazis, armed with advanced technology and the greatest hoard of treasure in history, were able to escape justice at the end of World War II is perhaps the greatest untold story of the twentieth century.

  From the days of Lyndon B. Johnson to those of George W. Bush, there has been talk of “Amerika” turning “fascist.” Most people, this author included, dismissed this as radical rhetoric. Unfortunately, as shall be seen, this might not be so far from the truth.

  The Germans were defeated in World War II…but not the Nazis. They were simply forced to move. They scattered to the four corners of the world. Many of them came to the United States and penetrated what President Dwight D. Eisenhower termed “the military-industrial complex.”

  They escaped with the loot of Europe as well as rocket science and even more exotic technologies. Some of this technology was so advanced that it remains classified in U.S. government files even today.

  Both Nazi science and ideology were brought to America in the aftermath of World War II with the aid and assistance of the very same self-styled globalists who created National Socialism in the first place. Their agenda matches that of the old Bavarian Illuminati, who were long thought to have perished soon after the time of George Washington. But if the order died, its credo lives on—power and control through wealth by any means possible. From the seeds of Nazism planted in America during the Cold War sprang a whole new nation, one that today has become the greatest superpower in history but has also incurred a growing hatred among the nations of the world as well as alienation and dissension among its own citizens.

  At the beginning of the third millennium after Christ, by most criteria, the once-free constitutional republic of the United States had become a National Socialist nation, an empire of the creators of the Third Reich—a Fourth Reich. If this assessment seems harsh and unbelievable, read on. Be advised that this work has no political conviction to advocate, no conspiracy theory to press, and no hidden agenda. It is a collection of supportable facts that leads to certain conclusions, uncomfortable and unconventional as they may be.

  But first, one must understand the definition of the terms under consideration.


  Everyone has heard of Hitler’s Third Reich, but what were the First and Second Reichs?

  The First Reich is known as the Holy Roman Empire, although it was neither holy, nor Roman, nor an empire. It was founded by the Frankish king Charles I, called Charlemagne or Charles the Great, who was crowned emperor in 800 A.D. by Pope Leo III after conquering and annexing most of Europe, including Germany, Switzerland, Austria, the Low Countries, and parts of France, Italy, and Czechoslovakia. This monarchial empire, modeled after the Roman Empire and ruled by kaisers, or caesars, existed until 1806, when Napoleon marched his troops into Berlin.

  The Second Reich was created by Prince Otto von Bismarck, who as premier of Prussia defeated Napoleon III in 1871 and became the “Iron Chancellor” over about three hundred independent states. Bismarck’s reich, toward the end headed by Kaiser Wilhelm II, lasted until 1918 and ended with the defeat of the Central Powers of Germany and Austria-Hungary in World War I.

  With Adolf Hitler’s ascension to power in 1933, he proclaimed Greater Germany as the Third Reich, Reich being the German word for “empire.” Interestingly enough, when used with a lowercase “r,” the word reich means “rich” or “wealthy.” A Reich, therefore, could mean “an empire of the wealthy.”

  The term “Nazi” stems from the acronym of “National Socialism.” This was derived by combining the first syllable of “NAtional” and the second syllable of “soZIalist” in the name Nationalosozialistiche Deutsche Arbeiterpartei, the National Socialist German Workers Party. This was the small radical political party Hitler built into a fascist system that threatened the entire world. Nazism is a philosophy. One recent dictionary defines a Nazi as a person “holding extreme racist or authoritarian views or behaving brutally” or anyone “belonging to any organization similar to the Nazis.”

  One edition of the American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language defined fascism as “a philosophy or system of government that advocates or exercises a dictatorship of the extreme right, typically through the merging of state and business leadership together with an ideology of belligerent nationalism.” Always remember that a typical attribute of fascism is the merging of state and business leadership.

  Italian dictator Benito Mussolini is credited with coining the word “fascism,” a name taken from his fascist Black Shirts called Fascisti. This term derived from the ancient Roman symbol of the fasces, a bundle of rods with a protruding axe blade. It was the symbol of central authority. Under fascism, the individual is subordinate to the state, usually headed by a single leader.

  However, even Mussolini pointed out that “The first stage of fascism should more appropriately be called corporatism, because it is the merger of state and corporate power.” For the remainder of this work, fascism will be defined as the merger of state and corporate power.

  In fascist Italy and Nazi Germany, the state gained control over the corporations. In modern America, corporations have gained control over the state.

  The end result is the same.

  Mussolini proclaimed, “The maxim that society exists only for the well-being and freedom of the individuals composing it does not seem to be in conformity with nature’s plans…. If classical liberalism spells individualism, fascism spells government.”

  And Thomas J. DiLorenzo, professor of economics at Loyola College in Baltimore, Maryland, wrote, “[I]t is important to recognize that, as an economic system, fascism was widely accepted in the 1920s and 30s. The evil deeds of individual fascists were later condemned, but the practice of economic fascism never was.”

  Party politics, slogans, and social issues are employed to distract the masses. The world’s elite deal in only one commodity—power. They seek to gain and maintain the controlling power that comes from great wealth, usually gained through the monopoly of ownership over basic resources. Politics and social issues matter little to the globalist ruling elite, who move smoothly between corporate business and government service. The desire for wealth with its attendant power and control drives their activities. It is this unswerving attention to commerce and banking that lies behind nearly all modern world events. It is the basis for a “New World Order” mentioned by both Hitler and former president George H. W. Bush.

  In twenty-first-century America, many thoughtful persons have witnessed what appears to be a recycling of the events of pre–World War II Germany: the destruction of a prominent national structure; rushed emergency legislation; the rise of a secretive national security apparatus; attempts to register both firearms and people, coupled with preemptive wars of aggression propelled by fervent nationalism.

  This may be simply a coincidence, some synchronistic cycle of history. But this also may be a covert plan being carried out by individuals following a definite agenda.


  As documented in Rule by Secrecy, the same financial powers that built the United States into the world’s foremost superpower also created communism. After an aborted revolution in 1905, thousands of Russian activists had been exiled, including the revolutionaries Leon Trotsky and Vladimir Lenin. After years of attempts at reform, the czar was forced to abdicate on March 15, 1917, following riots in Saint-Petersburg believed by many to have been instigated by British agents.

  In January 1917, Leon Trotsky, a fervent follower of Karl Marx, was living rent-free on Standard Oil property in Bayonne, New Jersey. He worked in New York City as a reporter for The New World, a communist newspaper. Trotsky had escaped Russia in 1905
and fled to France, from where he was expelled for his revolutionary behavior. “He soon discovered that there were wealthy Wall Street bankers who were willing to finance a revolution in Russia,” wrote journalist William T. Still.

  One of these bankers was Jacob Schiff, whose family had lived with the Rothschild family in Frankfurt, Germany. According to the New York Journal-American, “[I]t is estimated by Jacob’s grandson, John Schiff, that the old man sank about $20 million for the final triumph of Bolshevism in Russia.” Schiff, a Rockefeller banker, had financed the Japanese in the 1904–05 Russo-Japanese War for control of Manchuria, and had sent his emissary George Kennan to Russia to promote revolution against the czar.

  Another was Senator Elihu Root, attorney for Federal Reserve cofounder Paul Warburg’s Kuhn, Loeb & Company. Root, an honorary president of the secretive Council on Foreign Relations and a former U.S. secretary of state, who moved smoothly between government positions and his law practice in New York City, contributed yet another $20 million, according to the congressional record of September 2, 1919.

  Schiff and Root were not alone. Arsene de Goulevitch, who was present during the early days of the Bolsheviks, later wrote, “In private interviews, I have been told that over 21 million rubles were spent by Lord [Alfred] Milner in financing the Russian Revolution.” Milner, a German-born British statesman, was the primary force behind Cecil Rhodes’s Round Tables, a predecessor of the Council on Foreign Relations. The American International Corporation (AIC), formed in 1915, also helped fund the Russian Revolution. AIC directors represented the interests of the Rockefellers, Rothschilds, Du Ponts, Kuhns, Loebs, Harrimans, and the Federal Reserve, as well as Federal Reserve cofounder Frank Vanderlip and George Herbert Walker, the maternal great-grandfather of President George W. Bush.