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  General Hoyt S. Vandenberg, a West Point graduate and military man, who served as U.S. Air Force chief of staff and Director of Central Intelligence. As a named MJ-12 member, Vanderberg did not appear to have solid Wall Street connections. However, he was a close relative to the powerful U.S. senator Arthur Vandenberg, who served as president pro tempore of the Senate, third in line of succession to the presidency, and chaired the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations. Senator Vandenberg also participated in the creation of the United Nations. In January 1945 the senator made headlines by announcing his conversion from isolationism to internationalism. As such, he orchestrated bipartisan support for the Truman Doctrine and the Marshall Plan. The “Vandenberg Resolution,” passed by the Senate in 1948, paved the way for mutual Allied security through the creation of NATO. In the early 1950s, it was General Vandenberg who ordered the destruction of the original Project Sign Air Force report stating that UFOs were real. Many UFO researchers believe Vandenberg’s role was to maintain security for MJ-12.

  Dr. Detlev Bronk, a physiologist and biophysicist with international credentials, who chaired the National Research Council and was a member of the medical advisory board of the Atomic Energy Commission. From 1953 until 1968, he was president of the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research, during which time he was given a $600,000 mansion. Bronk maintained a long correspondence with Vannevar Bush and also was on the Scientific Advisory Committee of the Brookhaven National Laboratory along with Dr. Edward Condon, who later debunked UFOs in a major UFO study for the Air Force.

  Dr. Jerome Hunsaker, an aircraft designer, who chaired the departments of mechanical and aeronautical engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics. In 1933, the year Hitler came to power, Hunsaker became vice president of the Goodyear-Zeppelin Corporation, which manufactured airships that offered passenger flights to various countries, including Germany, Brazil, and the USA. It should be noted that less than three months after the 1984 death of Dr. Hunsacker, the last survivor of those named in the MJ-12 documents, the disputed documents suddenly arrived at the home of a UFO researcher. Many feel Hunsacker’s death may have signaled to someone in the official world that it was now permissible to leak the MJ-12 Eisenhower briefing document.

  Sidney W. Souers, a retired rear admiral who in 1946 became the first Director of Central Intelligence, appointed by President Truman. He was executive secretary to the National Security Council in 1947 and remained a special consultant on security matters for a time after leaving that post. Souers also had a lifelong connection to American corporate business. Between 1920 and his death in 1973, Souers held executive positions in the Mortgage and Securities Company of New Orleans, First Joint Stock Land Bank, the Canal Bank and Trust Company of New Orleans, the Aviation Company, and the General American Life Insurance Company.

  Gordon Gray, an heir to the R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company fortune, who was assistant secretary of the army in 1947, became secretary of the army in 1949, and a year later was named a special assistant on national security affairs to President Truman. After that, Gray was named director of the government’s Psychological Strategy Board (PSB), established in 1951 to undertake disinformation and psychological warfare against enemies. During his stint on the PSB, Gray’s chief consultant was Henry Kissinger, who was also a paid consultant to the Rockefellers. According to one source, Gray directed a psychological strategy study of UFOs, consulted by CIA director Walter B. Smith. Gray was also a member of the Council on Foreign Relations from the Truman through the Ford administrations. He also was chairman of the board for the communications companies Piedmont Publishing Company, Triangle Broadcasting Company, and Summit Communications.

  Dr. Donald Menzel, a director of the Harvard College Observatory, a respected astronomer who led a double life. He became a widely known debunker of UFOs after writing three books in which he explained away most reports and dismissed others, saying, “All non-explained sightings are from poor observers.” However, physicist Stanton Friedman, after studying Menzel’s unpublished biography and interviewing his widow, discovered that Menzel had been a covert consultant for both the CIA and the NSA with a top-secret ultra security clearance. This was verified in a letter Menzel wrote to President John F. Kennedy, in which he mentioned his intelligence work stating, “I have been associated with this activity for almost thirty years and probably have the longest continuous record of association with them.” Menzel also worked closely with the State Department, especially on Latin American affairs. Just before the outbreak of World War II, Menzel unsuccessfully tried to interest the Rockefeller Foundation and Howard Hughes in funding a high-altitude observatory at Boulder, Colorado. In Menzel we find a man who, while publicly known simply as a notable astronomer, had intriguing and high-level intelligence connections.

  General Robert M. Montegue, a military man with no known corporate links, who nevertheless was the base commander of Fort Bliss near El Paso, Texas, in 1947, during the time the Paperclip scientists worked there. He also served as director of the Anti-aircraft and Guided Missile Branch of the army’s Artillery School as well as commanding general of the Sandia Atomic Energy Commission facility in Albuquerque, New Mexico, from July 1947 to February 1951. His responsibilities included security at the White Sands Proving Ground. Montegue was at the center of the controversies concerning both the Roswell crash and the Paperclip scientists.

  Dr. Lloyd V. Berkner, who worked under Vannevar Bush as executive secretary of the Joint Research and Development Board in 1946 and headed a study that resulted in the creation of the Weapons Systems Evaluation Group. Berkner was also a member of the 1952 CIA-sponsored panel headed by Dr. H. P. Robertson, which deflected public attention away from UFOs by concluding that they did not constitute any direct threat to national security. Berkner was also president of Associated Universities, Incorporated (AUI), established in 1946 to “acquire, plan, construct and operate laboratories and other facilities that would unite the resources of universities, other research organizations, and the federal government.” Funding for the AUI came from such luminary institutions as Cornell, Harvard, Johns Hopkins, MIT, and Yale. One of the institutions closely connected to the AUI is Brookhaven National Laboratory on Long Island, long-rumored to be involved with both defense weaponry and UFOs.

  These distinguished men appeared to have two things in common—they were all connected to the highest levels of the national security as well as American corporate business. They were also all dead at the time the MJ-12 papers surfaced, thus unable to answer any questions about their role, if any, in such a group.

  The agenda of this control group may have been best expressed by Senator Lyndon B. Johnson who, speaking to the Senate Democratic Caucus on January 7, 1958, stated, “Control of space means control of the world…. From space, the masters of infinity would have the power to control the Earth’s weather, to cause drought and flood, to change the tides and raise the levels of the sea, to divert the Gulf Stream and change the climate to frigid…. There is something more powerful than the ultimate weapon. That is the ultimate position—the position of total control over the Earth that lies somewhere in outer space…. And if there is an ultimate position, then our national goal and the goal of all free men must be to win and hold that position.” Johnson, who in 1954 became the youngest Senate majority leader in U.S. history, was in a position to serve those in both the military and the corporations. In 2007, President George W. Bush echoed Johnson’s remarks by calling for new space missions and the weaponization of space.

  ADDING TO JOHNSON’S puzzling statement about “the masters of infinity” are facts indicating an astounding connection between the well-documented occultism of the Nazis, the NASA space program, and the Soviet space program.

  Richard C. Hoagland, a former science adviser to Walter Cronkite and CBS News during the Apollo program, astounded conspiracy researchers in the 1990s with his assertion that the time and date of many
NASA space launches, including the Apollo moon missions, were set to coincide with astrological alignments of the stars and planets. In 1992, Hoagland briefed UN officials on the mathematical and geometric linkage connecting the siting of “Cydonia” on Mars, the location of the Martian “Pyramids” and “Face,” with the Egyptian location of the pyramids and sphinx on Earth.

  “This remarkable new evidence that ‘all is not as we have thought regarding NASA’ is distinctly different from the official NASA imagery that [I have] been analyzing for almost fifteen years,” reported Hoagland. “This new evidence is of a ‘pattern’ [shown by] an official, undeniable log of NASA mission planning, mission priorities, and space agency decisions extending back to when the agency was officially formed by Act of Congress on July 29, 1958. This log has been carefully compiled from recorded network mission broadcasts from, among others, ‘my’ old network—CBS; officially published NASA mission time lines; and documented testimonials of former NASA scientists.”

  According to Hoagland, these cross-correlated public records now provide firm evidence of an astonishing, official link between NASA’s supposedly strictly “scientific” missions and millennia-old occult beliefs. In fact, the original official NASA Apollo Lunar Program logo of the 1960s clearly depicted the “belt” in the constellation of Orion, long thought to represent Osiris, a central figure in Egyptian celestial mythology. “Curiously, immediately after the Apollo 13 ‘accident,’ NASA quietly changed this official Apollo program logo—adding random stars to the existing constellation, thereby cleverly obscuring its direct derivation from Orion,” noted Hoagland.

  He concluded that the extraordinarily complex and expensive mission-planning for the entire Apollo Lunar Program, far from being merely “represented” by this “interesting” Egyptian mythological connection, was in fact completely controlled by, and designed around, this crucial Orion symbolism. In other words, someone with enough authority to set the launch date and time for an Apollo space mission, as well as many others, was guided by the astrological alignment of the stars and planets rather than an objective scientific basis. This occult aspect has been kept carefully hidden not only from the American taxpayers, who paid for these missions, but from the vast majority of NASA personnel as well.

  “[I]magine the astonishment that you would feel if you learned that Apollo 11’s historic lunar touchdown…took place at the one location on the entire lunar surface—Tranquillity—and within minutes out of an entire solar year (8:17 P.M. GMT, July 20, 1969), where and when Sirius, the brightest star in the sky, and the central stellar figure, Isis, in the Egyptian triumvirate of Isis, Osiris, and Horus, could have been seen hovering above the airless Eastern horizon—precisely at 19.5 degrees elevation!” said Hoagland. Yet, this is exactly what happened.

  Mary Ann Weaver, a former Boeing engineer and computer professional, was intrigued by the data produced by Hoagland and his associate Michael Bara. As a former researcher with the antenna division of Boeing, she was experienced in 3-D computer modeling, computational analysis, and developing equations and analytic methods for problem-solving. Weaver set out to confirm or deny the findings of Hoagland and Bara.

  After a careful study of their data, Weaver concluded that the star alignments for the mission activities and launches did not happen by accident. “[T]hey must happen by design,” she stated. “To try and explain them via random processes results in odds of billions to one. I would not bet on the ‘random’ side of these kind of odds.”

  “The significance of these findings is [that] I have shown there to be a pattern throughout eighty-two launches that were part of the Apollo preparation phase—and Apollo itself. Additionally, I have shown that the Apollo missions follow this same pattern on a day-to-day, mission-activities level, which is even more improbable because of its consistency with the launch data. Furthermore, it is improbable that the frequency of these stellar alignments are [sic] tied to weather or lighting conditions, because of the fact that they occur for a variety of mission events, even those that do not require specific lighting or weather conditions,” she concluded.

  Michael Bara pointed to a disturbing similarity with Russian space flights. He noticed that the launch of the first module for the new International Space Station was launched from the Baikonur Cosmodrome located in Kazakhstan, now an independent nation that borders Russia and the Caspian Sea, and was apparently designed to coincide with a number of the significant celestial alignments already found in NASA’s long-established ritual pattern. This would indicate some connection between the former Soviet space program and NASA, perhaps through the Nazi scientists working in both.

  After studying the August 1998 mission, Bara noted, “[The module] Zarya, which translates into ‘sunrise’ or ‘rising sun’ in English, was launched from pad 333 at its precisely scheduled time despite Russian requests to have the launch delayed. NASA, citing a number of minor technical considerations, refused the Russian request and the launch went off as originally scheduled and was witnessed by NASA administrator Dan Goldin. Considering that the [International Space Station] program was already a year behind schedule, another minor delay would not, despite NASA protestations to the contrary, have led to a significant problem. Only when you consider the symbolic significance of the moment does this steadfast insistence make sense.” It is not necessary for one to believe in astrology. The point is that someone high enough in power in the U.S. government—and, apparently, in Russia—to be able to order the dates and times of space missions does believe in such things. Is this evidence of Nazi occultism in our space program?

  President John F. Kennedy may have been aware of a parallel space program and decided to make it public policy. On November 12, 1963, ten days before his assassination, he instructed NASA administrator James Webb to develop a program of “joint space and lunar exploration” with the Soviet Union. This proposal, which may startle Americans today, was verified by Sergei Khruschev, the eldest son of the former Russian premier, in 1997. The importance of Kennedy’s step toward reconciliation with the Soviet Union and his control over NASA will become apparent in the upcoming chapter, “Kennedy and the Nazis.”

  Who would have wanted to stop joint U.S-Soviet space missions that might have ended the Cold War in the early 1960s? And who has been orchestrating the launches of space missions in both the United States and Russia with an eye toward occult astrological alignments? Does this mean that someone with the power to set space mission launches in both nations truly believes in the power of the position of the stars? And whom did Johnson mean by the “masters of infinity”?

  Strong evidence suggests they may well be the subject of this book—those global National Socialists and their minions, who have a goal of controlling the entire world. Nicholas “Nick” Rockefeller, a participant in the World Economic Forum, member of the Council on Foreign Relations and the International Institute for Strategic Studies, may have revealed the overall globalist agenda when he said, “The end goal is to get everybody chipped, to control the whole society, to have the bankers and the elite people control the world.”

  But this control goes far beyond military and space hardware. In modern warfare, there is also the struggle for control over the hearts and minds of whole populations, whether by psychological or chemical means.



  NAZI INVESTIGATIONS INTO EXOTIC SCIENCES DID NOT END WITH flight and weapons technology. Since prior to the twentieth century, Germans had delved into psychology and psychiatry with an eye toward their application to warfare, even to the extent of exploring occult practices. As well documented in a number of books, articles, and videos, there was a very definite and underlying occult aspect to National Socialism. As elucidated in Rule by Secrecy, Unholy Alliance, The Occult and the Third Reich, The Spear of Destiny, and other works, World War II was largely the result of infighting between secret occult societies composed of wealthy businessmen on both sides of the Atlantic. Eventually th
e tensions between these groups provoked open warfare that consumed the entire world.

  Sir Winston Churchill “was insistent that the occultism of the Nazi Party should not under any circumstances be revealed to the general public,” stated author Trevor Ravenscroft, who wrote that he worked closely with Dr. Walter Johannes Stein, a confidential adviser to Churchill. “The failure of the Nuremberg trials to identify the nature of the evil at work behind the outer facade of National Socialism convinced him that another three decades must pass before a large enough readership would be present to comprehend the initiation rites and black-magic practices of the inner core of Nazi leadership.”

  This remarkable statement was corroborated by Airey Neave, one of the Nuremberg prosecutors, who said the occult aspect of the Nazis was ruled inadmissible because the tribunal thought that such beliefs, so contrary to Western public rationalism, might allow Nazi leaders to go free by pleading insanity.

  Even Hitler acknowledged that Nazi ideology ventured into a spiritual realm, when he stated, “Anyone who interprets National Socialism merely as a political movement knows almost nothing about it. It is more than religion; it is the determination to create a new man.”

  To attempt this creation, the Nazis turned to occultists such as Baron Rudolf Freiherr von Sebottendorff, Jorg Lanz von Liebenfels, Guido von List, Dietrich Eckart, and Karl Haushofer, all of whom had immersed themselves in the philosophies of the Theosophical Society. Theosophy, derived from the Greek theos (god) and sophia (wisdom), was an attempt to blend Christianity with Cabalistic and Eastern mysticism. One tenet of theosophy was that “Great Masters,” sometimes called the “Great White Brotherhood,” are secretly directing humankind’s evolution.

  “The rationale behind many later Nazi projects can be traced back…to ideas first popularized by [Theosophical Society founder Helen] Blavatsky,” wrote Peter Levenda, who detailed connections with other European secret organizations, such as the Ordo Templi Orientis, or Oriental Templars (OTO), Dr. Rudolf Steiner’s Anthroposophical Society, and the Order of the Golden Dawn.