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The Rise of the Fourth Reich Page 10

  Brown’s theories echoed those of U.S. electrical engineer Nicola Tesla, whose discovery in 1888 of the rotating magnetic field led to alternating-current (AC) electricity transmission. Tesla foresaw limitless free energy by simply tapping into the Earth’s natural magnetic energy field.

  In 1908, long before the idea of rotating magnetic fields was commonplace in science, Tesla stated:

  Every ponderable atom is differentiated from a tenuous fluid, filling all space merely by spinning motion, as a whirl of water in a calm lake. By being set in motion this fluid, the ether, becomes gross matter. Its movement arrested, the primary substance reverts to its normal state [stillness].

  It appears, then, possible for man through harnessed energy of the medium and suitable agencies for starting and stopping ether whirls to cause matter to form and disappear. At his command, almost without effort on his part, old worlds would vanish and new ones spring into being. He could alter the size of this planet, control its seasons, adjust its distance from the sun, guide it on its eternal journey along any path he might choose, through the depths of the universe. He could make planets collide and produce his [own] suns and stars, his heat and light, he could originate life in all its infinite forms. To cause at will the birth and death of matter would be man’s grandest deed, which would make him the master of physical creation, make him fulfill his ultimate destiny.

  The belief that antigravity or other exotic technologies were passed from the Nazis to the Allies has been further supported by sporadic periodical coverage of antigravity in the late 1940s and early 1950s. This was at a time before the total blackout of news concerning energy-manipulation experimentation was enforced as a “matter of national security.”

  In 1956, the Swiss aviation journal Interavia Aerospace Review published an article titled “Towards Flight Without Stress or Strain…or Weight.” The article carried the dateline of Washington, D.C., and stated, “Electro-gravitics research, seeking the source of gravity and its control, has reached a stage where profound implications for the entire human race begin to emerge. Perhaps the most startling and immediate implications of all involve aircraft, guided missiles and free space flight of all kinds.” The article added, “There are gravity research projects in every major country of the world. A few are over 30 years old [emphasis added].” It also mentioned that, over and above theoretical research, there was empirical research into the “study of matter in its super-cooled, super-conductive state, of jet electron streams, peculiar magnetic effects [and] the electrical mechanics of the atom’s shell.” The article stated that the weight of some materials utilized in this research had been reduced by as much as 30 percent by “energizing” them. But in a premonition of what was to come, it added, “Security prevents disclosure of what precisely is meant by ‘energizing’ or in which country this work is underway.”

  Proving the ability of superconductors to produce antigravity effects, researchers at Pacific National Laboratory, in the late 1980s, cooled a ceramic superconductor with liquid nitrogen and levitated a round magnet in midair.

  Some of the companies involved in this cutting-edge research, according to the Interavia Aerospace Review article, included Lear, Inc., Glenn L. Martin Company, Sperry-Rand Corporation, Bell Aircraft, Clarke Electronics Laboratories, and the U.S. General Electric Company.

  The names of these firms are especially noteworthy, because in his 2001 book on Zero Point energy, author Cook cited another 1956 magazine article naming aviation experts Lawrence D. Bell, George S. Trimble, and William P. Lear as stating that work was then under way with “nuclear fuels and equipment to cancel out gravity.” This article, from an unnamed publication and titled “The G-Engines Are Coming!” may have let slip mention of an incredible new technology.

  “All matter within the ship would be influenced by the ship’s gravitation only,” Lear was quoted as saying. “This way, no matter how fast you accelerated or changed course, your body would not feel it any more than it now feels the tremendous speed and acceleration of the earth.”

  During the 1960s and 1970s, public discussion of energy manipulation such as antigravity was virtually closed off, scorned as fantasy or conspiracy theory. Yet, it is clear that within government and military circles, work continued secretly in this area. Could it have been based on transferred Nazi super-science?

  Bruce L. Cathie, a former New Zealand commercial pilot, theoretician, and an advocate of the existence of a worldwide energy grid, wrote in 1971, “Somewhere, I knew, [my proposed energy grid] system contained a clue to the truth of [Einstein’s] Unified Field which, he had postulated, permeates all of existence. I didn’t know at the time that this clue had already been found by scientists who were well ahead of me in the play…. for many years they have been carrying out full-scale research into the practical applications of the mathematical concept contained in that theory.” Cathie speculated:

  The only way to traverse the vast distances of space is to possess the means of manipulating, or altering, the very structure of space itself; altering the space-time geometric matrix, which to us provides the illusion of form and distance.

  …for distance is an illusion. The only thing keeping places apart in space is time. If it were possible to move from one position to another in space in an infinitely small amount of time, or “zero time,” then both the positions would co-exist, according to our awareness. By speeding up the geometric of time we will be able to bring distant places within close proximity. This is the secret of UFOs—they travel by means of altering the spatial dimensions around them and repositioning in space-time.

  One hint that the U.S. government experimented with such technology came in December 1980, when Betty Cash, Vickie Landrum, and Landrum’s seven-year-old grandson Colby encountered a large, glowing, diamond-shaped object hovering in the air near the small town of Huffman, Texas. The trio, supported by other witnesses in the area, said the object was surrounded by military CH-47 helicopters. Days later, the trio experienced painful swellings and skin blisters, along with headaches, nausea, and hair loss, all symptoms of intense electromagnetic radiation. In 1985, the three victims sought $20 million in damages from the U.S. government, but the following year, their suit was dismissed, based on denials by the government that any such craft existed in its inventory.

  Yet another small public exposure to exotic energy manipulation may have come with the accidental discovery of single-atom (monatomic) elements in the 1970s by Phoenix-area cotton farmer David Hudson. His discovery was followed by several scientific papers exploring the mysteries of the atomic structure, nucleus deformation, and electromagnetism. Hudson himself obtained eleven worldwide patents on his “Orbitally Rearranged Monatomic Elements (ORME).”

  Hudson found that the nuclei of such monatomic matter acted in an unusual manner. Under certain circumstances, they began spinning and creating strangely deformed shapes. Oddly, as these nuclei spun, they began to come apart on their own.

  It was found, for example, that in the element rhodium 103, the nucleus became deformed in a ratio of two to one, which made it twice as long as it is wide, and entered a high-spin state. When all electrons are brought under the control of the nucleus of an atom, the nucleus attains a “highward,” or high-spin, state. When reaching a state of reciprocal relationship, the electrons turn to pure white light and the individual atoms fall apart, producing a white monatomic powder.

  Using thermo-gravimetric analysis, it was found that a sample of Hudson’s monatomic matter lost 44 percent of its original weight when reduced to this white-powder state. By being either heated or cooled, it would gain or lose weight. “By repeated annealing we could make the material weigh less than the pan weighed it was sitting in,” said Hudson, “…or we could make it weigh 300–400 times what its beginning weight was, depending on whether we were heating or cooling it…. [I]f you take this white powder and put it on a quartz boat and heat it up to the point where it fuses with the quartz, it becomes black and it regains all
its weight again. This makes no sense, it’s impossible, it can’t happen. But there it is.”

  British author Laurence Gardner noted, “Hudson was then asked to reverse the process fully by turning the powder back into a piece of metallic gold. It was like asking someone to remake an apple from a pan of apple sauce—seemingly impossible! Early trial led to some disastrous results…. By late 1995, the difficulties had been overcome and the figurative apple had indeed been rebuilt from the apple sauce. From this, there was no doubt that it was possible ( just as in ancient metallurgical lore) to manufacture gold from a seemingly non-gold base product. From a commencing sample which registered as iron, silica, and aluminum, emerged an ingot which analyzed as pure gold. After centuries of trial, error, frustration, and failure, the Philosopher’s Stone of ancient times had at last been rediscovered.”

  Gardner amassed a wealth of material linking the white powder of gold to alchemists, the legendary Knights Templar, Solomon’s treasure, the manna of the Israelites, Moses, and ancient Egypt. The significance of these connections will become apparent in the next section.

  By the early 1990s, scientific papers were being published by the Niels Bohr Institute and Argonne National and Oak Ridge National Laboratories, substantiating the existence of these high-spin, monatomic elements and their power as superconductors.

  Hudson also met with Dr. Hal Puthoff, director of the Institute for Advanced Studies in Austin, Texas. Puthoff performs cutting-edge research into zero-point energy and gravity as a zero-point fluctuation force. He and other scientists have theorized that enough energy exists in the space found in the atoms inside an empty coffee cup to boil all the oceans of the Earth if fully utilized.

  Puthoff had also theorized that matter reacting in two dimensions should lose about 44 percent of its gravitational weight, exactly the weight loss found by Hudson. When it was found that Hudson’s elements, when heated, could achieve a gravitational attraction of less than zero, Puthoff concluded the powder was “exotic matter” capable of bending time and space. The material’s antigravitational properties were confirmed when it was shown that a weighing pan weighed less when the powder was placed in it than it did empty. The matter had passed its antigravitational properties to the pan.

  Adding to their amazement, it was found that when the white powder was heated to a certain degree, not only did its weight disappear but the powder itself vanished from sight. When a spatula was used to stir around in the pan, there apparently was nothing there. Yet, as the material cooled, it reappeared in its original configuration. The material had not simply disappeared; it apparently had moved into another dimension.

  Hudson also saw evidence of perpetual energy through the use of a superconductor. “You literally start the superconductor flowing by applying a magnetic field,” he said. “It responds to this by flowing light inside and building a bigger Meissner Field [Walter Meissner in 1933 discovered that light flowing within a superconductor produces an electromagnetic energy field that excludes external magnetic fields] around it. You can put your magnet down and walk away. Come back a hundred years later and it is still flowing exactly as when you left. It will never slow down. There is absolutely no resistance; it is perpetual motion and will run forever.”

  This new technology dealt with the manipulation and control of basic energy. Some scientists believed that such control at the atomic and subatomic level might do much more than offer new propulsion technology. It might open the door to antigravity, limitless free energy, a cure for diseases such as AIDS and cancer, an end to the aging process, faster-than-light speeds, and much more, perhaps even inter-dimensional and time travel.

  Since science is coming to the conclusion that gravity and time are interconnected aspects of energy, it is possible that the Bell was used for experimenting with time travel. This possibility is not as outrageous as it sounds, as many notable scientists and authors have written seriously about the possibility of time travel.

  Astronomer and Pulitzer Prize winner Carl Sagan, director of the Laboratory for Planetary Studies at Cornell University at the time of his death in 1996, when asked about time travel, stated:

  Right now we’re in one of those classic, wonderfully evocative moments in science when we don’t know, when there are those on both sides of the debate, and when what is at stake is very mystifying and very profound.

  If we could travel into the past, it’s mind-boggling what would be possible. For one thing, history would become an experimental science, which it certainly isn’t today. The possible insights into our own past and nature and origins would be dazzling. For another, we would be facing the deep paradoxes of interfering with the scheme of causality that has led to our own time and ourselves. I have no idea whether it’s possible, but it’s certainly worth exploring.

  Jenny Randles, a science-oriented British author, presented compelling examples of recent discoveries in her 2005 book Breaking the Time Barrier, which indicate the very real possibility of time travel. She noted that “a race to build a time machine has been going on since at least the Second World War.” After discussing “worm holes” in time and space, and other possible means of time travel, she pointed out, “…[F]rom our understanding of physics—if you travel faster than light, then you can overtake the flow of events that light happens to transmit. Since the passage of these events forms what we interpret as time, then by traveling faster than light you ought to travel through time. Spaceships that outstrip light speed are always going to moonlight as time machines.” Today, more than one scientist has claimed to have broken the light barrier, though official acceptance has been lacking.

  TIME-TRAVELING NAZIS. This horrendous idea sounds preposterous, but the science is there and the Bell did exist.

  No wonder certain powerful persons would go to any lengths to obtain or conceal such knowledge. Just such attempts began in the closing days of World War II, as the victors sought to learn the secrets of Nazi super-science.

  It is clear that certain members of the American military were keen to learn Nazi secrets, as shown by this portion of a 1945 letter from Major General Hugh J. Knerr to Lieutenant General Carl Spaatz, the commander of U.S. Strategic Air Forces in Europe: “Occupation of German scientific and industrial establishments has revealed the fact that we have been alarmingly backward in many fields of research. If we do not take this opportunity to seize the apparatus and the brains that developed it and put the combination back to work promptly, we will remain several years behind while we attempt to cover a field already exploited.”

  Consider the rush into Czechoslovakia by General George S. Patton’s Third Army even as the European war wound to a close. “The madcap, and some would say, militarily and politically indefensible, Allied dash away from Berlin and to south-central Germany and Prague are consistent with American knowledge, at some very high level, of Kammler’s SS Sonderkommando black projects and secret weapons empire,” wrote Farrell.

  Vernon Bowen, whose 1950s-era book on UFOs was classified by the U.S. government, relates how one of Patton’s officers, Colonel Charles H. Reed, organized the escape of the Lippizan horses from the Spanish Riding School at the end of the war, an event memorialized in the 1963 Disney film Miracle of the White Stallions. Bowen noted that Reed saved the horses “while on his mission of persuading the head of German intelligence to turn over to the U.S. the many truckloads of documents buried on the Czech-Austrian border—documents which are still secret today.” Could these documents have been Kammler’s technology files?

  The Allies’ rejection of SS chief Himmler’s last-minute offer to surrender may not have been due to the “frantic attempts of a desperate mass murderer to avoid his inevitable fate,” as described by mainstream historians, but instead because Himmler had lost real control over the exotic technology. After all, Himmler was too high-profile a person to be allowed to live on after the war. He reportedly committed suicide by taking a poison capsule on May 23, 1945, after being caught trying to sneak through
British lines disguised as a German Army private.

  Hans Kammler, on the other hand, was largely unknown to the public, though he undoubtedly was high on the list of wanted Nazi war criminals, considering his involvement in the construction of concentration camps and their gas chambers as well as his participation in the leveling of the Warsaw ghetto. “Unlike Himmler,” noted Cook, “Kammler had something of value to deal—something tangible. By early April [1945], Hitler and Himmler had placed under his direct control every secret weapon system of any consequence within the Third Reich—weapons that had no counterpart in the inventories of the three powers that were now bearing down on central Germany from the east and the west.”

  “The deal had already probably been cut between Kammler’s representatives and OSS [the U.S. Office of Strategic Services] station chief in Zurich, Allen Dulles, or via General Patton himself,” Farrell surmised.

  If such a deal was made with Patton, he did not live to see the results. On December 9, 1945, while riding in his 1939 Cadillac staff car, Patton suffered a head injury when his car was struck by a 21/2-ton military truck that turned in front of them. Patton’s driver and a passenger, his chief of staff Major General Hobart “Hap” Gay, were uninjured. Paralyzed from the neck down, Patton was taken to a military hospital in Heidelberg, Germany, where he died on December 21.

  Since the war, there have been several conspiracy theories regarding Patton’s death—one being that he was killed by his own government. Most have concentrated on his vocal assertions that the United States should have carried the war on into Russia and put an end to communism, plus his public advocacy of reinstating ranking Nazis to help rebuild Germany.